Lake Orion Community of Christ

Our Mission:
We proclaim Jesus Christ and promote communities of joy, hope, love and peace.
We Offer . . .
a community of people where the gospel of Jesus Christ is the focus of worship, learning, caring, and mission.
an opportunity for genuine spiritual growth and relationship with the Holy Spirit.
a congregation where deep friendships are established, individual ideas are valued, and where those special needs find security, care, and support.
a faith community that encourages the ministry of all people, including children and youth.
a local community that is part of a global community with a worldwide mission that values all cultures and celebrates the rich diversity of human life.
meaningful opportunities to serve Jesus Christ by helping others and promoting peace.
Regular Monthly Events:
Worship Service, 11 am, every Sunday
Adult Sunday School, 10 am
Prayer Service, 10 am, 1st Sunday
Communion Service, 11 am, 1st Sunday
Potluck, noon, 2nd Sunday

531 East Flint Street
Lake Orion, MI 48362

Russ Knight
Laurie Mueller
Michael Mueller
Shannon Mueller
Fay Perria
Melissa Varner
Terry Horton
Adam Mueller
Dick Mueller
Gary Perria
Jeannine Qualman*
DuAnne Salswedel
High Priests:
Steven Qualman
Don Spencer
Tom Smelser
Gerg Varner

For more information, please call Pastor Gary Perria (810) 813-3187 or Co-Pastor DuAnne Salswedel (248) 420-5651.